
Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman – Commentary (Archived Post)

Eric Bricker’s Visual Acoustics caught my eye while browsing the documentary selections on Netflix last night, so I decided to give it a shot.

Prior to watching the film, I never heard of Julius Shulman, his photography, or the architectural modernism of 20th century Los Angeles. I had heard the likes of Rudolph Schindler, Richard Neutra, and Frank Lloyd Wright mentioned in passing. But of their architectural genius, I knew next to nothing.

This moving and well put together documentary focuses on Shulman’s role in…

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The Federal Reserve Clings to Inflation, Despite QE’s Failure to Cure U.S. Economy (Archived Post)

After reading a CNNMoney article earlier today, I have trouble pinpointing where the real joke is amidst our stagnating economy – the options that will be discussed between Ben Bernanke and the Federal Open Market Committee this week or The Federal Reserve itself.

I say both.

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Prime Hook CCP Draft Finally Released (Archived Post)

As I walked back up the driveway after retrieving the News Journal this morning, I unfolded the newspaper to quickly scan the day’s headline. To my surprise, the top story was about Prime Hook Wildlife Refuge and the much anticipated, well past due release of the refuge’s Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP).

The 1,200 page draft, which took six years to write, outlines three alternatives to manage the federally-protected ecosystem as rising sea levels and erosion threaten its 8,000 acres of freshwater and saltwater wetlands.

I found it humorous that the first option, according to the News Journal…

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